In a lot of my parenting consultations I find myself telling the parents that the best way to manage their concerns is to increase love and decrease consequences. This past month a parent ask me to be more specific about what love looks like for children. What did they have to do to choose love over consequences. I thought that maybe all of you would like the answer to this question so here are my answers:
How to Help them Stop Negative Self-talk (Video)
Is your child negative? Always putting themselves down or giving up? Watch this 1+ minute video and learn how to help them out of negative self talk.
The Bursts and Regressions of a Child’s Development
My husband and I were speaking about our work. He is the Dean of Students at an independent school in Miami and I am the owner and founder of Stop Parenting Alone. We both found that we had the same experience this past month. Everyone had hit a wall. The teachers of those we each work with were asking, "When will this student finally change?" The students and my client's children were making mistakes, melting down, skipping classes, and simply making all sorts of poor choices. The parents in my parenting consultations and the online subscription were wondering what is wrong with my child, why aren't they progressing.
Four Questions Parents Can Answer for the New Year
If you're a parent I want to recommend looking back and processing your past year in an effort to grow. Like your child, parents need to grow and expand with each passing year. Primarily to keep up with your changing and growing child but also to continue your parenting journey and development.
What Your Children Need During Holiday Break
Often as parents we get stuck on the idea that we have to do something “special” or “out of the ordinary” for our children to have great memories. The truth is that most of us hold
Talking About the School Decision (VIDEO)
This video is to help one another speak about the school decision and other difficult decisions we are making at this time. This is for grandparents, family members, and friends. There are many difficult decision that parents and families are making and there is a way to support one another without
How to Understand the Use of Consequences
Let’s talk about consequences. One of the most frequent questions parents ask me in workshops and consultations is what is the consequence to a child’s challenging behavior. Most ask that question because they have an inappropriate goal. They've been told that the right goal is for your child to feel bad when they're not listening or when they've made a mistake. I want you to wonder: When was the last time that you learned anything while feeling bad?
A Common Culprit for Divorce in Parenting (Video)
There is a frequent parenting practice and fight between couples that is a common culprit for divorce. Watch this video and avoid this issue.
How Many Gifts to Give Young Children During the Holidays?
Every December at my center parents ask me how to not spoil their children and how to manage the gift giving frenzy of the holidays. The follow are the answers to the most popular parent questions during the holiday:
How many gifts should we give our kids?
6 Reasons Why Children Should Be Seen and Heard at Restaurants
I cringed as my husband told my daughter that he would no longer help her order the next time we went to a restaurant. We have a hard and clean rule of not disagreeing in front of the children when one of us is setting a boundary, but in this situation I could not hold my tongue. I had never thought about it, but we disagreed about whether or not our children should order their own food at a restaurant.