
Handling Biting and Hitting: Tips for Early Childhood

Handling Biting and Hitting: Tips for Early Childhood

Parenting young children can feel overwhelming. Many caregivers often find themselves wondering, "Is this normal behavior?" when faced with their little ones' actions such as hitting, biting, or pushing. Here, you'll find insights on those all-too-common issues of biting and hitting in children under seven, reassuring you that it’s completely normal. 

Helping Your Child Sleep Peacefully: A Guide for Parents of Kids Under 6

Helping Your Child Sleep Peacefully: A Guide for Parents of Kids Under 6

Parenting comes with its own set of challenges, and one of the most common concerns for parents with young children is sleep. When your child is having a hard time sleeping, it can be a stressful experience for both you and your little one. In this blog, we will discuss strategies to help your child sleep better while emphasizing the importance of staying calm and loving throughout the process.

How to Understand the Use of Consequences

How to Understand the Use of Consequences

Let’s talk about consequences. One of the most frequent questions parents ask me in workshops and consultations is what is the consequence to a child’s challenging behavior. Most ask that question because they have an inappropriate goal. They've been told that the right goal is for your child to feel bad when they're not listening or when they've made a mistake. I want you to wonder: When was the last time that you learned anything while feeling bad?

My Buddha Daughter and Her Emotional Mother

My Buddha Daughter and Her Emotional Mother

The key to parenting to the personality your child was born with is to figure out how to respond, discipline and set values to the temperament of your child. My daughter and I do not have a good fit. I am highly-reactive, highly emotional and when stressed, irrational. She is low-reactive, methodical, observant, and mostly calm.

Five Steps for Transitioning from a Pacifier

Five Steps for Transitioning from a Pacifier

Many children use and adore their pacifier. Inevitably, many parents wonder how to take away this object that brings their babies so much pleasure and peace. The following are the most common questions on this topic and the steps parents should follow to help their children move on from their pacifier.

A Common Culprit for Challenging Behavior in Children Under 8 (Video)

A Common Culprit for Challenging Behavior in Children Under 8 (Video)

Have you ever wondered why your child lies, why they deny their mistakes, why they blame others for what they have done. This video will give you the biggest culprit for this behavior. Watch.

Why Parenting Books Fail You (VIDEO)

Why Parenting Books Fail You (VIDEO)

Find yourself in the parenting section of the bookstore frustrated and lost?  Ever wonder how what you read can translate to your daily life as a parent?  In this video you can get the top reason why those parenting books are failing you.