
Parenting and the Effects of Spending a Year in a Pandemic

Parenting and the Effects of Spending a Year in a Pandemic

Its been a long year for all of us. The globe has been dealing with the ups and downs of a pandemic. Our brain has been on high alert for a year plus whether we admit it to ourselves or not. A brain on high alert causes all of us to feel overwhelmed and tired. A hyperaware brain will either react in a rigid way or a chaotic way.

Making Decisions as Parents During Pandemic Times

Making Decisions as Parents During Pandemic Times

We are at a phase of these pandemic times in which decision making has become a burden and a cause of anxiety. Most of the questions I am getting from parents are around how to make the best decision for their children taking into account their children's health and their emotional well being.

Talking About the School Decision (VIDEO)

Talking About the School Decision (VIDEO)

This video is to help one another speak about the school decision and other difficult decisions we are making at this time. This is for grandparents, family members, and friends. There are many difficult decision that parents and families are making and there is a way to support one another without