4 Tips on Making Back to School Successful

4 Tips on Making Back to School Successful

It's August, and time to get ready for school again. For some of you it's the first time you are taking your little one to school. You are taking your child to kindergarten, middle school, and/or high school. School has multiple transitions, so here are quick tips to get you to that first day of school:

Parenting and the Effects of Spending a Year in a Pandemic

Parenting and the Effects of Spending a Year in a Pandemic

Its been a long year for all of us. The globe has been dealing with the ups and downs of a pandemic. Our brain has been on high alert for a year plus whether we admit it to ourselves or not. A brain on high alert causes all of us to feel overwhelmed and tired. A hyperaware brain will either react in a rigid way or a chaotic way.

The Bursts and Regressions of a Child’s Development

The Bursts and Regressions of a Child’s Development

My husband and I were speaking about our work. He is the Dean of Students at an independent school in Miami and I am the owner and founder of Stop Parenting Alone. We both found that we had the same experience this past month. Everyone had hit a wall. The teachers of those we each work with were asking, "When will this student finally change?" The students and my client's children were making mistakes, melting down, skipping classes, and simply making all sorts of poor choices. The parents in my parenting consultations and the online subscription were wondering what is wrong with my child, why aren't they progressing.

Four Questions Parents Can Answer for the New Year

Four Questions Parents Can Answer for the New Year

If you're a parent I want to recommend looking back and processing your past year in an effort to grow. Like your child, parents need to grow and expand with each passing year. Primarily to keep up with your changing and growing child but also to continue your parenting journey and development.