My son has always been a highly sensitive kid that is highly aware of everything and everyone around him but I have noticed that as he is getting older he keeps looking for more validation from the outside and I really want to help him change this because it is a struggle for him whenever he does not get this.
We had a playdate incident and would like to understand my daughter's big feelings.
We had a little incident at a playdate recently. We met another family at the park for lunch. My daughter doesn't know the little girl all that well, but she had a lot of fun on the playground with her. We went on to ride the train at the park and she said she wanted to sit alone (vs with her friend). I said, “oh honey, let's sit with our new friend” and she said no. There were limited seats so the other mom sat with her daughter and son in the front row seat (it was a quick shuffle). My daughter had a fit because she wanted to sit in the front and kept saying "no one is listening to me." She and I ended up sitting together a few seats away from them and she kept saying "they are so mean, they are so stupid, I am never playing with them again, I just want to scream so badly."
Should I have just taken her home right after the train ride?
Why does she get particularly stuck around the “no one is listening to me” scenarios?
Can you help guide us with winning and losing?
We often play board games, card games or have pool races at our house and are trying to teach my daughter to manage her disappointment when she loses and honestly she has been doing pretty well with it. But Saturday we were in the pool and she and her dad were racing and I was the judge calling out the winners (in hindsight I probably shouldn't have been doing that). In one of the races, dad won and she had a total meltdown saying "daddy cheated, I hate Daddy, etc. etc. etc."