
How do I know if I am being too harsh or too lenient?

Yesterday, I took the three kids to the movies and to a park.  Before we left, my daughter grabbed her socks and I told her, she didn’t need socks because I was going to have them wear water shoes in case the sprinklers were on at the park and she wanted to get wet. She said she wanted to wear her regular shoes because she didn’t want to get wet.  I asked if she was sure and she told me yes. Once at the park, she eventually began leaping through the sprinklers, telling me she wasn’t getting her shoes wet, only her clothes, which was not the case.  Her shoes were getting wet. 

My daughter does not like her teacher and doesn't want to go to school. How do I get her through this?

My daughter is having issues with her teacher. She has the same teacher that her sister had last year, and to be honest I am not a big fan, but it's gotten to the point that she keeps saying she doesn't want to go to school, she wants to switch schools, she hates her teacher etc.....I listen to her and reflect her feelings of frustration but is there anything else I can do? She is also used to being liked and loved (teachers always love her because she is the perfect angel in class) and I think she is struggling because this teacher doesn't seem to feel that way. Thoughts?