#fear — FAQ of Parents — Stop Parenting Alone

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When my child says they're scared and won't go to bed, what's really happening?

When I put my daughter down last night we went through our typical routine but she kept asking when dad would be home from his run and when he would come kiss her goodnight. As soon as I got in the rocking chair (I sit in it until she falls asleep) she started saying "I'm scared, I'm scared" on repeat. She couldn't tell me what she was scared of just that she wanted me to lay in her bed.

My daughter has developed fear of the dark and being alone. Help!

My daughter has returned home with fear. This is a new one for us but it started at my moms house which she said was haunted. She was scared to be in various rooms by herself and would scream out of nowhere, or have dad hold her all night in his arms. Now that we are home she is also nervous to be alone.

My 6yo is very sensitive to sounds. How can I help him manage through big noises?

Our 6 year old is really afraid of school fire drills. He knows which day the fire drills take place and he takes noise canceling headphones that he can put on while it’s going on but it’s that initial alarm noise that really scares him. This morning he locked himself in the bathroom because he didn’t want to go to school because it’s fire drill day. What are some techniques we can try or things we can communicate to the school to make this less scary for him? He has never liked sudden loud noises.