
 Is there a challenging developmental transition that some kids go through around 3-4? 

s there a challenging developmental transition that some kids go through around 3-4?  My son, who is 4, has been a relatively easy child, but it seems that tantrums have picked up over the last few months.  I think by this age many kids are starting to move on from toddler tantrums, but it feels harder for us now. Interested in your thoughts and any pointers on how to navigate this period. 

I have gone back to work full time and my almost 5yo son is not choosing me. He is only choosing dad. Help!

I recently started to work full time since my son was born and he and I are having difficulties transitioning to the new situation. He is almost 5 years old and this is also the first time he is going full time to school in a new place. He is experiencing a number of changes. He is manifesting his feelings by ignoring me, being disrespectful and not wanting me to put him in bed and read a story to him. Now he only wants his daddy to be with him and not me. I am so sad! What is the right thing to do?