My husband and I plan to go on a trip together for 10 days without the girls. We want to prepare them and ourselves in the best possible way. How do we do this before we leave? When do we let them know it's happening? What should we do while we are gone? How do we join back after we arrive home in the best way?
We are on vacation away from home and we are not doing well. HELP!
I am visiting family on the east coast alone with the girls. We’ve been out here for 2 weeks now. Our schedules have definitely been off even though I have tried to maintain them to the best of my ability.
One of my daughters has been beyond attached the whole trip which is not really like her to this extent. I have not even showered alone to give you some understanding. And my other daughter has just woken up upset many days. She is definitely more moody than normal. Not sure which side of her I am going to get throughout the day.
People here parent way differently than I do and standing my ground and maintaining my parenting has taken a lot of effort. I feel like I am riding a two week anxiety wave internally.