My daughter has continued to struggle with big emotions!
Her mornings from the second she wakes up are full of anger. She is yelling, stomping, and just aggravated. I can’t figure out how to help. Have any ideas? Waking up to start the day like this is rough!
I am having very difficult mornings with my child. How do I make this better for us?
I feel like I am losing my cool with my child during the morning routine in particular . In the past, I’ve mentioned my child’s difficulty following instructions, transitioning, inattentiveness etc...
Our morning routines have been the same with small tweaks for years. I have been very regimented and routine oriented. This school year, kindergarten, in particular, is a major issue with getting ready. We try and problem solve together and we come up with good plans, but they are short lived. I know she probably can’t help it, and I want to support her and not be mad! How do i do this?