All Ages

Parenting and Managing Challenging Behavior

Parenting and Managing Challenging Behavior

What the Science Tells Us

The Brain and Behavior

  • The connection between non-verbal and verbal communication in the brain is a long term process happening between 0 – 4.5 years of life, hence the ability to verbally label an emotion is non-existent and is often the cause of the challenging behavior
  • Children feel the physiological characteristics of emotion(tight throat, sweating, tense muscles) before they know what those responses are, often the true culprit of challenging behavior

Dual Language Learners and Your Bi-Cultural Child

What Science Tells Us

  • Bilingual infants show larger signs of cognitive flexibility in addition to learning two languages
  • Infants favor the two language their caregiver speak to them and tune out unfamiliar speech sounds of other languages
  • Bilingual and Multilingual infants show more success in focusing in one task than monolingual children