What is the best way to talk to my children about school shootings?


Since this is a hot topic, can you direct us on the best way to talk to our kids about school shootings? I have a 3rd grader and I know this will be a hot topic at school tomorrow, and I want to know how to address it appropriately for an anxious 9-year-old. I’m sure other parents in this group can also benefit from your words.


Quick tips:

1- Keep the 24 hour news off and away from the kids. The constant repetition of images is distressing to children and adults. Watch and read the news the old fashion way at 6pm and 11pm but away from the eyes of the children.

2- Ask questions- answer honestly-hold them in their fear. Stay away from statements like "its okay" or "don’t worry". Instead maintain a "yes and...."stance of:

"Yes, this is scary and it is sad. What can we do as a family to keep us safe and loving one another?"

This way the children feel supported and heard which is what is most important today.

3- Touch and hold them a lot this weekend