How do I prepare my 2.5yo child when I am travelling without them?


I would love some guidance to prepare my 2.5yo daughter for next week. I will be traveling for 5 days. My daughter is very attached to me. Every other question is ”where is Mami?”.

Maybe I am also worrying needlessly, but just want to make sure she, my husband and the nanny (who she also likes and knows since birth) will have a smooth week together while I am out. I went away for 1 week on my own last October and it was no problem at all, but I think because her brother was there with her all the time. We have also just returned from a 4 week summer vacation where the 3 of us were together 24/7…
When do I start talking to her?
Any tips on how to help her when she misses us? Or is there really no need to worry and she will adapt?


A visual calendar always works with children so they have something tangible to look at. Don't feel pressured to have it have pictures if you can't do that. It can just be a calendar print out from google with the days colored in that tell her when you will be gone. BUT if you can do the picture one that's great too.
Make sure that when you tell her you are going on a trip, your voice, your tone, your mood is calm and matter of fact. How you present this time apart is more important than the actual time apart. IF you can't stay calm and you are a bit sad...well let her know...say something to the effect of "I have news that makes me feel two feelings,  excited to go away AND sad that while I'm gone I will miss you" That is okay to say as well...

When do you talk to her?
For children under 4 I don't recommend more than two days OR as soon as they can tell that something is changing, if you have to pack two days before your trip then that's when you tell her.

Hope this is helpful!