Why is the first session only with parents/adults if my issue is with my child?

I know that I will not witness most of the issues or behavioral concerns you have with your child in an initial session with me. Those are best observed at school, home or places where the behavior tends to persist. This is why I feel we can attain and discover what is best for your child moving forward if I thoroughly get the parents’ concerns and history first. In this way, we can attain a better treatment plan. Schedule a Parenting Consult

How long is a session?

An hour to an hour-and-a-half

What is the difference between prevention and intervention? Why do you say you work in prevention?

I always say that it is much easier for me to help a 3-year-old get through the rough first days at preschool than it is to help the 8-year-old get through 3rd grade.  This idea of prevention, getting at the situation before it becomes an issue, leads my core belief:  if I give you the right information, you’re going to make the right choice for your child. This also holds true for a middle-school student.  It’s much easier for me to help you help your 5th grader to think what it is going to be like to go into 6th, 7th & 8th grade (that’s prevention), than it is to help the 17-year-old that has gotten themselves into a situation and now face criminal &/or critical emotional issues (that’s intervention).  So, I am all about preventing rather than intervening. Read more about the science behind my work

do you follow a particular parenting style or program?

No, I do not.  I understand the importance of the programs available to parents.  However, each of these programs carries with them a particular value system.  Many times parents can find a program that closely mirrors their value system and in those moments the parenting program is highly valuable.  But often, parents cannot follow the program effectively, consistently and find themselves feeling shame.  I like to work with the parent to discover their expectations, values, and history, and then together find that particular parent’s style. Schedule a Parenting Consultation

is it wrong to follow a Parenting program?

No, of course not. There is often research and value in those programs.  Listen, read, and understand the parenting programs that are out there, but make sure that you take what you like and leave the rest.  Children know when we are "trying on" a style and not being authentic.  So eventually the "parenting technique or style" doesn't work because the little one does not recognize their parent.  All programs and techniques are important because at the end of the day it makes us as parents think about our parenting and what we want for our children.  If you can take the course and continue to honor your goals as a parent and not let "the program" make you feel as if you "should" do it a particular way then go for it!  Any information is good as long as we make it our own. Join Online Parenting Support to Discover your Parenting Style

Do you take insurance?

I do not take insurance. The insurance company’s rule is that whomever is receiving psychological treatment has to meet the criteria of a mental health diagnosis for the insurance company to pay for psychotherapy services.  Since I work primarily with families and parents, more often than not, there is no criteria for a mental health diagnosis. Thus, I am not part of an insurance panel.  

Happy Parent