
Here's Why You Couldn't Keep That New Year's Resolution

Here's Why You Couldn't Keep That New Year's Resolution

The first two months of the year are always interesting to be a therapist.  It is the time when everyone is taking a look at themselves and attempting to see things in a new way and/or trying to change something about themselves, which is what I do with others on a year round basis.  My twitter feed was chock full of articles and messages about new this, resolve that, change now, and it fills me with both joy and frustration.  The joy comes from feeling that everyone is out trying to get closer to their authenticity, which is my goal as a therapist, to assist others in finding their truest self.  I also feel frustration because come February most of those hopeful souls will have already gotten back to old patterns and away from the stream of change and resolution.  In the spirit of lasting change, here are my three steps on how you can make sure to stick to keeping those resolutions.