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Social Emotional Health and our Immigration Issues

Social Emotional Health and our Immigration Issues

As a mental health professional, I am alarmed that our government is dividing families. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is currently separating migrant children from their parents at the border and reneging on their past promises of safety to DACA recipients. These are unnecessary policies that will cause more trauma to already traumatized children and families seeking refuge in the U.S. We need this to change.

Speaking To Your Children About School Shootings

Speaking To Your Children About School Shootings

I have lost track of how many times I have cried and simultaneously been inspired due to the events at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, in Parkland, FL. The school is close to home. I live in Miami. That morning I knew that many parents would be reaching out to me wondering how to best help their children.

Drugs & Alcohol: Protecting our Children (VIDEO)

Drugs & Alcohol: Protecting our Children (VIDEO)

Most parents fear their children could fall in the trap of misusing drugs and alcohol. This video helps you find answers to avoiding this fate.

Tips on Helping Grandparents Help "YOU" (VIDEO)

Tips on Helping Grandparents Help "YOU" (VIDEO)

Granny, Abuelo, Pop Pop- these are magic labels in our imagination when we think about our children and their relationship with their grandparents.  But what if their presence creates more chaos than help?  We want them to be a part of our children's lives and sometimes we need them to help us with the care-giving.  Watch this video of our founder and mommy blogger LadydeeLG and get some answers around this topic.

Sassy 5 year olds, The Saturday Box, and Hispanicize 2016(VIDEO)

Sassy 5 year olds, The Saturday Box, and Hispanicize 2016(VIDEO)

Parents are everywhere, but a lot of them are on social media speaking about their strengths, concerns, insights, and funny anecdotes.  As a child development and parenting expert I always enjoy reading the tweets and blogs these parents share. So this year I had the opportunity to meet a large group of them at Hispanicize 2016 (#Hispz16).  Hispanicize is the largest annual event for influencers, journalists, and digital content creators to connect with brands and their public.  It was an amazing event full of information and wonderful giveaways. I enjoyed watching the sense of community among the attendants.  I was excited to attend and meet in person so many of the wonderful parent bloggers who so candidly share about their lives.  I was especially excited to meet up with Diana Limongi also known as LadyDeeLG.

If you're bribing & rewarding your children, this is WHY it's not working (VIDEO)

If you're bribing & rewarding your children, this is WHY it's not working (VIDEO)

As parents we sometimes find ourselves in a never-ending cycle of conflict, screaming, rewarding and back to square one. If you continue to bribe and reward your children you may risk them not understanding empathy, responsibility and kindness. Watch this video to understand what and why is happening?

Why Parenting Books Fail You (VIDEO)

Why Parenting Books Fail You (VIDEO)

Find yourself in the parenting section of the bookstore frustrated and lost?  Ever wonder how what you read can translate to your daily life as a parent?  In this video you can get the top reason why those parenting books are failing you.

How to be Certain They Love You

How to be Certain They Love You

I have been thinking about the time I spend with couples as their therapist.  It is compelling to sit in a couple’s therapy session and witness how love can make a lot of us feel completely out of control.  I see couples fight furiously and notice how each partner is completely oblivious to the fact that it’s not the money or the child that’s the issue.  What they are really fighting about involves three very simple questions, Do you love me?  Will you stay with me?  How can I be sure that you won’t hurt me? When I witness this in a session I have the wonderful and sometimes energizing opportunity of letting them know that they are fighting for love.