Self Care

Social Emotional Health and our Immigration Issues

Social Emotional Health and our Immigration Issues

As a mental health professional, I am alarmed that our government is dividing families. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is currently separating migrant children from their parents at the border and reneging on their past promises of safety to DACA recipients. These are unnecessary policies that will cause more trauma to already traumatized children and families seeking refuge in the U.S. We need this to change.

Drugs & Alcohol: Protecting our Children (VIDEO)

Drugs & Alcohol: Protecting our Children (VIDEO)

Most parents fear their children could fall in the trap of misusing drugs and alcohol. This video helps you find answers to avoiding this fate.

Why Parenting Books Fail You (VIDEO)

Why Parenting Books Fail You (VIDEO)

Find yourself in the parenting section of the bookstore frustrated and lost?  Ever wonder how what you read can translate to your daily life as a parent?  In this video you can get the top reason why those parenting books are failing you.

Sometimes I Want to Give up on Parenting

Sometimes I Want to Give up on Parenting

The wind is blowing my hat towards my cheek, and I can hear my children laughing with their daddy.  It is an absolutely breathtaking day on Miami Beach, and I feel like crying. My mind is flooded with negative thoughts:  I'm a bad mom because I won't play with them in the water and my children's memories of fun times will always include mom on the sideline watching them looking serious.  It is always painful to sit in a happy place full of remorse and regret.  I know this is universal for most of us as parents.

You're Wrong, The World is Safe

You're Wrong, The World is Safe

I have something radical to say and I wish you could hear me because if you were in front of me I would be screaming it: the world is safe.  The world has always been safe.  Yes, children die, famine exists, natural disasters kill thousands, and we murder one another through war, domestic violence, and hate.  But the world is safe.  For those of you who don’t believe the world is safe, why are you lying to your children?  I know that a deep part of you knows that  the world is safe, but your life experience has fooled you into believing that it is not.  So how do we get back to the purity of the early years before your mother may or may not have responded to you in a way that brought the first doubt of your safety?